It’s always best to find the right Animal Health Clinic before you need one, and it’s important for you to be comfortable with the Florida Veterinary Clinic you choose for your pet.
You and your pet need to feel confident with the Veterinarians at the Animal Clinic you choose. Ask for recommendations from friends or neighbors, do a search on the internet, or visit the hospital to check out their services and staff. Many hospitals, like DPC Veterinary Hospital, provide testimonials online. This is a great way to see reviews and opinions from pet owners just like you!
Affordable Animal Clinics and Pet Hospitals are Available
Sometimes we are faced with vet expenses that are far beyond our ability to afford, but we want to give our pets the medical care they deserve. No cat or dog owner wants their pet to suffer because hospital care is out of reach. At DPC Veterinary Hospital we offer options, such as Care Credit, that provide owners with no interest financing for six months.
It can be stressful and frightening to have your pet hospitalized. DPC Veterinary Hospital strives to provide high quality Animal Health Care at affordable prices. DPC offers full hospitalization services, along with specialized nursing care for every hospitalized patient.
Animal Hospital Care with private duty nurses to provide specialized attention
At DPC Veterinary Hospital in Davie we provide private duty nurses whose sole responsibility is to care for hospitalized patients and to be the liaison between the doctor and the owner. The private duty nursing staff at DPC Animal Clinic is on duty seven days a week and will be in contact with you daily while your pet is hospitalized.
Because of this extensive Animal Care your pet is constantly monitored while you can rest easy knowing your pet’s every need is being met. Meet some of DPC Veterinary Hospital’s staff and doctors!